The core use for programming languages is to give computer hardware a set of instructions on how to interact with users or the world around it. In different languages these can vary a little but tend to include direct Basic Instructions such as “calculate”, “use”, or “display”. In Tākaro the Basic Instructions included are to simply move the rolling robot to direct it along the holographic blocks from the yellow terminal to the pink robot exit by using Forward, (rotate) Left, and (rotate) Right. These Basic Instructions are the same as the most Basic Instructions you can give a computer with programming – telling it to do a simple task, in the case of the robot in Tākaro, move forward one space, or change the direction it is looking by 90°.
The Tākaro game is an unconventional styled game and breaks away from the usual character based games while providing exciting strategic puzzle challenges. Set within a 3d world, the player will explore and discover their way through suspended 3d platforms and mazes. Tākaro will greatly challenges one's spatial skill, especially the ability to visualise in a three-dimensional space using coding concepts to navigate.